Intermittent posts in next few days...
Dear subscribers, I need to attend to some health issues and will be posting infrequently in the next week or
News and commentary for understanding and coping with the years ahead...
Dear subscribers,
There's no sugarcoating the awfulness of 2024 and I won't try. But we don't have to let today's reality poison all hope. More than ever, we need to be looking for – and acting on – ways to move forward.
Along those lines, I've been thinking hard about how this newsletter should proceed. I plan to keep sending you links to what I strike me as essential articles, videos, etc., from a variety of people and organizations doing the best work in explaining America's political, economic, and social conditions – and, most important, how we can find a way back from the dark days ahead.
To that end, I'll spend more time looking for, and pointing to, the best examples of how each of us can make a difference for the better. We're in a wilderness right now, and are likely to be there for some time to come. But that doesn't mean we're helpless. Don't just ignore pessimists who want us to give up; challenge them.
Our work ahead will have to take place at home and at work, in our communities (of interest and geography) and our states, in our regions and nation, and globally. We'll all need to pick our spots, focusing on what we do best and offering our skills to amplify others' good work. (I think of this newsletter in that vein.)
You will occasionally see something here from the New York Times or some other Big Media outlet. Those sightings will be rare, because it's already depressingly evident that our top journalism organizations have decided to capitulate to Trump world, not resist it, much less lift a finger to fix their disastrous and ongoing failures. So I'll focus on smaller, more honorable outlets (and individuals). Please support them with your attention and your money.
I cannot do this without your help. Please let me know about the good stuff you find.
Moving forward with you,
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